About us

Find out more about Seen & Unseen, the team, contributors and partners.

What we do

Seen & Unseen is an invitation to see the world differently. In a world often fixated on the seen, but blind to unseen realities, it brings fresh Christian perspectives to the issues we are all talking about. It includes over 1,000 articles: stories, opinions, podcasts, cultural commentary, as well as book, music, arts and film reviews.

We're not interested in a nostalgic return to Christendom, but we do believe that the Christian faith, with two thousand years of reflection on what it means to be human and where we came from, still has much to offer the modern world.

Seen & Unseen brings together voices from many mainstream Christian traditions to give new insights on culture, politics, history, spirituality, freedom of belief, philosophy and theology.

Discover more about why we founded the title, and what drives us, by reading Graham Tomlin's introduction to Seen & Unseen

Seen & Unseen is a product of the Centre for Cultural Witness. Its other activities are leadership training and research project. Find out more about the centre.

Who we are


Our 200 plus contributors range from philosophers to theologians, journalists to writers. Find out more about them on the contributors page. We also encourage emerging talent. If you like what you read and are interested in writing for us, please get in touch via our Contact Us page.

Our team

Seen & Unseen is edited and published by a team that is part of the Centre for Cultural Witness. Its aim is to make Christian faith better understood in public, displaying the creative, imaginative, culture-shaping power of the Christian gospel.

Graham Tomlin is the Centre’s Director. Formerly Bishop of Kensington,  He is a regular contributor to national media and has written many books and articles, both academic and more popular. He taught theology within Oxford University for many years before helping found St Mellitus College. Find out more about Graham and his writing. 

Nick Jones is the Centre’s Senior Editor. As a journalist, analyst and communicator, Nick has mastered digital media to find insights, tell stories and improve reputation across the public and private sectors. Find out more about Nick and his writing.

Belle Tindall is the Centre’s Staff Writer. Belle has researched, taught, and written on numerous topics for the University of Wales, Trinity St. David. She is a regular contributor for Premier Christianity’s Woman Alive publication and LICC and ‘Girl Got Faith’. Find out more about Belle and her writing.

Paula Bird is the Centre’s Executive Manager. Paula has a strong background in fundraising, organisation and management, having worked for Alpha International in recent years.

Natalie Garrett is the Centre's Marketing and Communications Coordinator. She is an Anglican minister based in Gloucestershire and a trained actor, who narrates the Seen & Unseen Aloud podcasts.

Luc Herren is the Centre's Financial Advisor and Research Coordinator. He was ordained by the Protestant Church in Switzerland and runs a management consultancy in London with his wife Brigitte.

Sarah White is the Centre's Administration Assistant.


If you are interested in supporting the work of Seen & Unseen by volunteering, get in touch via our Contact Us page.


From time to time we advertise vacancies, find them on the Centre for Cultural Witness site.


Theology advisor: The Revd Professor Dr Andrew Davison, Canon and Regius Professor of Divinity at Christ Church, Oxford.

The title

Our title is inspired by the first sentence of the Nicene creed,

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is,
seen and unseen.