
What difference does Christianity make? Read our curated articles that report on how Christian faith impacts individuals, communities, and nations. Change is one of four key themes covered by Seen & Unseen.

  1. Change
  2. Digital
Two people. sitting at a street cafe amid empty tables and chairs, are silhoutted.
Get the life-work balance the right way round.
4min read
  1. Ageing
  2. Care
An old woman wearing a shawl looks pensive.
The insights and analogies that help.
5min read
  1. Art
  2. Change
Gallery-goers mingle around large paintings on a wall
Both welcome those seeking ideas or restoration.
3min read
  1. Change
  2. Character
A muddy rugby player carries equipment off a pitch.
The unseen players, doing unseen work, witness a truth of a content life.
5min read
  1. Change
  2. Gaza
At a night time hostage exchange, a hostage wears a pink top and is guide toward the side of a white vehicle bearing a small red cross.
Hostages and prisoners alike accept the symbol of trust and hope.
2min read
  1. Ambition
  2. Change
A man lies asleep on a closed lap top on a desk.
Here’s what BrewDog's CEO doesn't get about work-life balance.
4min read
  1. Care
  2. Change
A podcast guest talks in front of a mic, while gesturing with both hands.
Season 6 starts with the Street Pastors founder talking integrity and caring for clubbers.
1min read
  1. Change
  2. Politics
A crowd of people stand in the side steps of the Lincoln Memorial
Amid loveless politics, remember hope cannot exist in isolation.
7min read
  1. Books
  2. Change
Graffiti on a wall, spells out in Russian character the name Navalny.
Putin’s world is not the only take on Russia.
4min read
  1. Attention
  2. Change
A woman holds her phone up in her hands and looks at it in a slightly vexed way.
Rather than make excuses, be honest.
5min read
  1. Change
  2. Identity
A pile of folded knitted jumpers sit on a grey back ground, one is also grey, the others are red and brown.
Resist notions of black-and-white existence.
5min read
  1. Change
  2. Re-enchanting
A man wearing a hat sits at a table talking and raises both hands in front of himself to gesture
Podcast co-host Tindall picks her favourite episodes.
5min read