Seen & Unseen Aloud
1 min read

Seen & Unseen Aloud: 1st anniversary special

We are one! We're revisiting some popular articles: joy at a Jacob Collier concert, and NT Wright on Easter, creation and justice.

Nick is the senior editor of Seen & Unseen.

Jon Tilkin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Jacob Collier in concert.
Jon Tilkin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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This week, Seen & Unseen Aloud celebrates its first birthday so this episode includes shout outs to our friends in the UK and around the world as well as replaying two of our most popular articles: Belle Tindall's joy in finding the sound of strangers belonging at a Jacob Collier concert and NT Wright's exploration of the Easter Story, finding where creation and justice converge.

Seen & Unseen Aloud
1 min read

Seen & Unseen Aloud: Trump, China, and Miranda

Is Trump a fascist or a buffoon? Watched in Beijing, and Miranda Hart's diagnosis of the unseen.

Nick is the senior editor of Seen & Unseen.

On a TV chat show, guests look to one of their own talking to the audience.
Mirnada regales a chat show.

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This week's episode includes the burning question: is Donald Trump a fascist or a buffoon? asked by George Pitcher. Alex Ross takes us into the world of surveillance that is China, and Belle Tindall explores Miranda Hart's diagnosis of the unseen.