1 min read

Seen & Unseen Aloud: harvest, creed, conscientious objections

Why bother celebrating harvest? The game-changing Nicene Creed, and objecting to assisted dying

Natalie produces and narrates The Seen & Unseen Aloud podcast. She's an Anglican minister and a trained actor.

A ink drawing of Constantine the Emperor on a throne listening to people showing him books.
Constantine and the council.
Wikimedia Commons.

This week, George Pitcher asks why we still bother celebrating Harvest; Jane Williams explains why the Nicene Creed was such a total game-changer and Henna Cundill explores the proposed legislation around Assisted Dying from the point of view of Conscientious Objectors.

1 min read

Krish Kandiah: radical hospitality

New GodPod episode: why foster, adopt and welcome.

Nick is the senior editor of Seen & Unseen.

A dark image shows a dark screen with the tiny word 'hello' on it.
Tyler Lastovich on Unsplash.

Listen now

The first GodPod of 2025 is a ‘theological mystery tour’ through the life and works of the one and only Dr Krish Kandiah OBE. Graham, Michael, and Jane quiz Krish on his theological influences and his life of radical hospitality – touching on his experiences of fostering and adoption and advocating for refugees.

Find out more: