1 min read

Seen & Unseen: new episode

This week: how we think. Difference, dialogue and fusion between fans and teams.

Natalie produces and narrates The Seen & Unseen Aloud podcast. She's an Anglican minister and a trained actor.

A severed doll head, resembling Donald Trump, lies on dirty ground.
Max Letek on Unsplash.

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This week we take a close look at how we think: Graham Tomlin considers the different thought paradigms of Richard Dawkins and Ayaan Hirsi Ali; Simon Burton-Jones delves into the psychology of football fans and Barnabas Aspray thinks about what happens when political dialogue gives way to animal-like culture war.

1 min read

Seen & Unseen Aloud: making meaning out of life

Winning, losing, the life in between, and the music that accompanies.

Natalie produces and narrates The Seen & Unseen Aloud podcast. She's an Anglican minister and a trained actor.

A gold medallist bites her medal.
Simone's gold medal moment.

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This week we contemplate the challenges of winning and losing as Julia Kendal asks what Simone Biles might be doing today; Oliver Wright explores the relationship between religion and music, and Silvianne and Barnabas Aspray ask why religion and faith aren't dying any time soon.