
What difference does Christianity make? Read our curated articles that report on how Christian faith impacts individuals, communities, and nations. Change is one of four key themes covered by Seen & Unseen.

  1. Change
  2. Christmas survival
A light green pine tree stands amidst dark green forest and its black shadows
Psychologist, Roger Bretherton, offers advice for those who find it challenging to spend time with the family at Christmas.
Part 1 of Unwrapping God This Christmas.
7min read
  1. Change
  2. Christmas survival
clients of a charity queue beside a table of suppliers in a church
Inspired by a Christmas visit of Jose and Maria, West London churches aiding asylum seekers now expect a wave of evictions, Robert Wright discovers.
7min read
  1. Change
  2. Fashion
Three women stand, two lean into each other sharing a joke, while the other laughs too.
A jewellery start-up is challenging empowerment and agency.
5min read
  1. Change
  2. Christmas survival
An animated scene shows a man in a Christmas jumper and a child look around a corner into something and be delighted
How can we push past the stresses of the festive season to rediscover the magic? Roger Bretherton tells us how he learned to find joy in being on Team Christmas. Part 2 of Unwrapping God this Christmas.
7min read
  1. Change
  2. Freedom of Belief
A sunset dramatically silhouette's a ruined tower and people at its base.
The recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is already a twice forgotten war. Forced to flee twice, Anush Petrosyan describes the experience.
3min read
Editor's pick
  1. Art
  2. Change
A art installaton showing purple and pink flame-like shapes moving in a darkened room
Robert Wright visits the UK's only Faith Museum, in Bishop Auckland, and hears how its funder hopes to inspire reflection on the divine.
7min read
  1. Change
  2. Freedom of Belief
a Lebanese meal of many dishes displayed on a table.
Dining in a different culture lets Belle TIndall contemplate struggle and belonging across the heartlands of the Middle East.
7min read
  1. Art
  2. Change
Two gallery vistor stair at four photo portraits of The Beatles.
From an era before selfies, Paul McCartney’s cache of photos, even the out of focus ones, prompts Jamie Mulvaney to consider what perspective we need on ourselves.
4min read
  1. Change
  2. Monastic life
A group of young people wearing white habits stand and laugh with each other.
In the heart of London Lianne Howard-Dace spent a year trying to live a simpler, slower life with others.
8min read
  1. Change
  2. Development
A group of women stand and dance at a celebration in the street, wearing matching skirts..
African Christianity has exploded to reach all countries in the world. From villages to megacities, Harvey Kwiyani outlines the significant role women are playing.
6min read
  1. Change
  2. Death & life
An experimental image mixes distance people with watery paint-like filters of green .
Losing family and friends across a life, leads Natalie Garrett to navigate the space of death we all face. Part of the How to Die Well series.
7min read
  1. Change
  2. Masculinity
A person stand looking out a wide set of windows covered in rain.
In the latest in our series on men and masculinity, psychologist Roger Bretherton reflects on what he learned about being a man from his own mid-life crisis.
7min read