1 min read

Kate Flaherty: re-enchanting... Shakespeare

How enchantment shows up in the playwright's iconic works.

Nick is the senior editor of Seen & Unseen.

A podcast guest holds up her hand and looks at it while speaking.

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Dr Kate Flaherty is Senior Lecturer in English and Drama at the Australian National University. She researches how Shakespeare’s works play on the stage of public culture. Her insights have been published in Contemporary Theatre Review, New Theatre Quarterly, Australian Studies and Shakespeare Survey. She is also the author of the book Ours as we play it: Australia Plays Shakespeare and of the latest volume of the Cambridge Elements series - Ellen Terry, Shakespeare and Suffrage in Australia and New Zealand.

So today Justin and Belle are going to be speaking with Kate about how enchantment shows up in the iconic works of Shakespeare. 

Find about more about Kate's research.

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1 min read

Jo Swinney: re-enchanting... hospitality

Jo talks about how sharing food is at the heart of a shared life.

Nick is the senior editor of Seen & Unseen.

A woman sits at a table and talks with a microphone on a stand in front if her,

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Jo Swinney is director of communications for the Christian environmental conservation charity A Rocha International. 

Jo's parents Miranda and Peter Harris were the founders of A Rocha. Miranda's tragic death in 2019 was a shock to all those who knew her. Jo’s book ‘A Place At The Table: Faith, hope and hospitality’ pairs her own words with writings she discovered of her mother’s to celebrate her life and to explore how sharing food is at the heart of a shared life.

Justin and Belle hear about the events the led up to Jo writing the book and how we can re-enchant the gift of hospitality in an increasingly lonely world.

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