1 min read

New episode: Seen & Unseen Aloud

Listen to a curated selection of the editor's top picks from the last week: crazies, comedy and the cut down tree.

Nick is the senior editor of Seen & Unseen.

A felled decidious tree lies sprawled on the ground. The freshly sawn stump and roots are in the foreground
The stump of the felled sycamore tree.
Wandering wounder, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

The line up for this week's episode sounds like the start of a joke.... but it's actually very thought-provoking. Roger Bretherton asks the age old question, "why are all Christians in movies crazy?"; Theodore Brun mourns the loss of the Sycamore Gap Tree and explores what it's demise can teach us; Belle Tindall takes us backstage to her conversation with Frank Skinner and the surprise that Christians are actually interesting.

Listen to a curated selection of the editor's top picks which caught our interest this week. We also release themed boxsets from time to time.
Subscribe on AppleSpotifyGoogle, or Amazon.

1 min read

Join Seen & Unseen for our next reader lunch

Back to school? We're discussing new starts. Thursday 19th September. Book now.

Nick is the senior editor of Seen & Unseen.

A person wearing a backpack looks to the sky.
What's next?
Matese Fields on Unsplash.

Join Seen & Unseen for a Back to School reader lunch on Zoom.
Thursday 19th September 12.30-1.15pm

September is back to school, college and university for so many. Our next reader lunch, will discuss such new starts. Join us and regular Seen & Unseen writer Henna Cundill. As well as lecturing at Aberdeen University, she's written on the psychology of anxiety and school refusal. Join us. We’ll provide the chat, you just bring your lunch.

Numbers will be limited so book your place at the table now. The call will be on Zoom and will last for 45 minutes; we’ll send you login details nearer the time.