Seen & Unseen Aloud
1 min read

Seen & Unseen Aloud: new episode

Humility and leadership - a weird but essential combo. Plus the outliers.

Natalie produces and narrates The Seen & Unseen Aloud podcast. She's an Anglican minister and a trained actor.

The Pope, wearing white, kneels, crades a bare foot, and kisses it.
Pope Francis kisses the foot of a woman inmate of the Rebibbia prison.
Vatican Media.

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This week we think about leadership and humility as unlikely but essential bedfellows: Roger Bretherton exhorts us to look out for the outliers who bring something unique to the group; Graham Tomlin learns about humble leadership from Pope Francis and Elizabeth Wainwright calls out for a new style of leadership in a year of local, national and international elections.

Justification by faith
Seen & Unseen Aloud
1 min read

Seen & Unseen Aloud: new episode

Security over performance, love over lovelessness, and a little on Luther.

Natalie produces and narrates The Seen & Unseen Aloud podcast. She's an Anglican minister and a trained actor.

Looking up at a statue of Martin Luther holding an open bible.
Luther statue.
Wim van 't Einde on Unsplash.

This week: Jonny Reid unearths where Scottie Scheffler finds his deep sense of security; Elizabeth Wainwright explores the power of love in the face of lovelessness, and Graham Tomlin casts a professional critique of Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook's Luther series on The Rest is History podcast.