Seen & Unseen Aloud
1 min read

Seen & Unseen Aloud: people, politics and purpose

A summer box set special. Emerson Csorba's three articles on purpose and character.

Natalie produces and narrates The Seen & Unseen Aloud podcast. She's an Anglican minister and a trained actor.

Two men in seats adress a pyjamap-clad Ronald Regan.
James Baker, left, briefs a recovering Ronald Reagan, right, in hospital .
White House via Wikimedia Commons.

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Over the last few month Emerson Csorba's written for us on character and purpose  He takes us through US politics with a focus on James Baker a reluctant recruit to the Reagan team; he asks what's the point of purpose and how do we find it? and he contemplates the power of supposedly random encounters with people - looking at the career of Fiona Hill from mining village to Durham University, via the White House.

War & peace
1 min read

Ziya Miral: global conflict and religion's role

Does religion shape violence or does violence shape religion?

Nick is the senior editor of Seen & Unseen.

a dirt barricade blocks a cross roads, behind which stands a roadside cross
A crossroads in Ukraine.
Jonny Gios on Unsplash.

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Is John Lennon right, would all wars cease if religion were to vanish? And, finally, what is the theology of conflict? These are topical, real-time, questions – all of which are explored in this episode of GodPod, with the help of Dr Ziya Meral.

Ziya is a lecturer in International Studies and Deplomacy at SOAS (School of African and Oriental Studies), researcher and advisor specialising in global conflict and the role of religion.

For Ziya’s book: How Violence Shapes Religion: Belief and Conflict in the Middle East and Africa : Meral, Ziya: Amazon.co.uk: Books