The Re-enchanting is Seen & Unseen's new podcast series. It explores how Christianity can re-enchant culture, politics, the arts, the sciences, history, and so much more.
As the Ukraine War passes another milestone, can any war be considered just? Christine Schliesser explores Just War theory and a possible path to Just Peace.
Beyond condemning the invasion of Ukraine, there is also a need to understand why Russia thinks what it does, explains Malcolm Rogers, the Anglican chaplain in Moscow.
In the symbolic heart of a liberal democracy, a list is revealed of where it is dangerous to believe. Belle Tindall reports on the annual World Watch List.
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Columnists and commentators focus a Christian lens on the news stories of the day. Comment is one of four key themes covered by Seen & Unseen.
What a monarch’s meeting teaches about politics and permanence
Fanfare for the familial: what the coronation really showcases
Re-enchanting podcast launches
After the first war, before the next
Reviving post-liberal society
How a nation opened its arms to refugees
Don't patronise: what the R20 means for development
An irresponsible gamble
On war fighting
Just War and Just Peace
Moscow letter: why Russia critiques the West
Where it's dangerous to believe