Podcast Joy Paganism Joy, Kaos and Assisted Dying Natalie Garrett Joy's power, Kaos reviewed, and assisted dying. 1 min read Authored on 2024-10-14
Article Assisted dying Culture Assisted dying and the cult of kindness Matthew Hall I witnessed an assisted death. We need to be honest in the debate about it. 5 min read Authored on 2024-10-04
Article Assisted dying Comment Assisted Dying logic makes perfect sense but imposes a dreadful dilemma Graham Tomlin The case for assisted dying appeals to choice and autonomy, yet not all choices are good. It means vast numbers of people will face a terrible choice as their life nears its end. 4 min read Authored on 2024-10-29
E-book Assisted dying Assisted dying: ethical and theological perspectives Nick Jones Download the e-book of articles. 1 min read Authored on 2024-11-08
Snippet Assisted dying Care Assisted dying: truly a black Friday Graham Tomlin The UK takes a step into the bleak unknown. 2 min read Authored on 2024-11-29
Article Assisted dying Comment The assisted dying bill is an undignified mess George Pitcher Literally life-changing legislation needs a parliament at its best not its worst. 4 min read Authored on 2025-02-20
Article Assisted dying Creed Assisted dying: in praise of being a burden Jonathan Rowlands It's not a reason to end a life, it's the very possibility of our being human. 4 min read Authored on 2024-11-05
Snippet Assisted dying Care Who holds the keys of death? The logic of assisted dying Tom Dove The ethical principle of double effect. 2 min read Authored on 2024-11-27
Article Assisted dying Care The deceptive appeal of assisted dying changes medical practice Ewan Goligher In Canada the moral ethos of medicine has shifted dramatically. 8 min read Authored on 2024-11-13
Article Assisted dying Comment The assisted dying debate revealed the real role of Parliament M. Ciftci MPs from areas where people are vulnerable and at risk were more sensitive to the dangers. 5 min read Authored on 2024-12-03
Article Assisted dying Comment Assisted dying hasn’t resolved Swiss end of life debates Markus Zimmerman Despite attempts to normalise it, new challenges still arise. 7 min read Authored on 2024-11-25
Review Assisted dying Death & life The dying decision: choice, coercion and community Sian Brookes A Japanese drama about medical assistance in dying, Plan 75, reveals a lot about our relationlessness. 5 min read Authored on 2023-05-28
Article Assisted dying Death & life Behind the data: the social messages physician assisted suicide sends to the autistic Henna Cundill If intense suffering caused by society drives autistic people to seek assisted death, then society has failed. 4 min read Authored on 2023-11-14
Article Assisted dying Care Assisted dying’s problems are unsolvable Jamie Gillies There’s hollow rhetoric on keeping people safe from coercion. 6 min read Authored on 2025-02-06
Interview Culture Death & life Rediscovering 'ordinary dying' Robert Wright On the eve of her Theos annual lecture on 'Death for Beginners', Robert Wright speaks to former palliative care consultant Kathryn Mannix about the need for everyone to re-engage with the process of dying. Part of the Seen & Unseen How to Die Well series. 8 min read Authored on 2023-10-31
Article Assisted dying Comment Will clinicians and carers objecting to assisted death be treated as nuisances? Henna Cundill The risk and mental cost of forcing someone to act against their conscience. 5 min read Authored on 2024-10-15
Article Assisted dying Care Why end of life agony is not a good reason to allow death on demand Graham Tomlin Assisted dying and the unintended consequences of compassion. 5 min read Authored on 2024-11-27
Explainer Assisted dying Comment Assisted dying's language points to all our futures Henna Cundill Translating ‘lethal injection’ from Dutch releases the strange power of words. 9 min read Authored on 2024-10-22
Article Assisted dying Comment No, it is not your life to dispose of Steve Hellyer What could not be said about the assisted dying debate 6 min read Authored on 2024-12-02
Article Care Comment NHS: How far do we go to feed the sacred system? Callum Elwood Balancing safeguards and economic expediencies after the assisted dying vote. 4 min read Authored on 2024-12-02
Column Assisted dying Comment Polly's pop at a "pitiless God" distorts my argument George Pitcher There’s more than one argument for opposing assisted dying. 4 min read Authored on 2024-07-31
Article Assisted dying Comment The careless conflation of independence, autonomy and dignity Henna Cundill As Jersey begins to legalise assisted dying, there’s keyword confusion. 5 min read Authored on 2024-05-23
Podcast Creed Podcasts Seen & Unseen Aloud: harvest, creed, conscientious objections Natalie Garrett Why bother celebrating harvest? The game-changing Nicene Creed, and objecting to assisted dying 1 min read Authored on 2024-10-21
Interview Assisted dying Culture Marsha de Cordova: the personal experiences driving her passionate politics Robert Wright “What disabled people need is assistance to live, not to die.” 5 min read Authored on 2025-02-13
Article Assisted dying Care What do you make of Esther? Michael Wenham A campaigner’s call to change an assisted dying law got family calling MND sufferer Michael Wenham. Here he shares why such legalisation will increase people’s fear of dying. 6 min read Authored on 2024-01-09
Article Assisted dying Death & life The cold truth of Canadian lives not worth living M. Ciftci Canada’s implementation of medical assistance shows that a society considers some lives not worth living. 4 min read Authored on 2023-11-09
Podcast Culture Film & TV Seen & Unseen Aloud: first new episode of the new year Nick Jones Listen to curated to narrated articles. This week: the psychology of self-belief, the premier of One Life, and an answer to a particular question about assisted dying. 1 min read Authored on 2024-01-15
Explainer Creed Death & life The lost art of dying well and what we can learn from it today Lydia Dugdale Living well in order to die well doesn’t simply happen. It takes work. It takes preparation. For All Souls Day, Lydia Dugdale asks if we are prepared for death. 5 min read Authored on 2023-11-01
Column Assisted dying Care Proposed euthanasia safeguards insult our NHS George Pitcher We must defend a collective sense of care and generosity. 4 min read Authored on 2024-11-14
Podcast Creed Death & life Lydia Dugdale: the lost art of dying Nick Jones New GodPod episode. How well do we deal with our own death? What is a ‘technology-dependant death’, and should we want it? 1 min read Authored on 2024-09-06
Column Change Death & life The really annoying thing about dying Roger Bretherton In his first Notes from Solitude, the death of his dad causes Roger Bretherton to reflect on the relationship and the strange emergence of 'father’. 6 min read Authored on 2023-05-12
Article Assisted dying Care “Shortening death” sidesteps the real battle Tom Dove We need to do more than protest bad deaths, we need to protest death itself, it's more than biological. 5 min read Authored on 2024-11-19
Explainer Comment Death & life Dying well: what is neglected needs to be put right Matthew Hutton How each of us can prepare ourselves and those we leave behind. 6 min read Authored on 2024-08-07
Review Culture Death & life How the Victorians could help us to die well Ian Bradley Victorians welcomed the angel of death, rather than fearing it. Ian Bradley explores their changing attitudes towards death. Part of the How to Die Well series. 5 min read Authored on 2023-11-20
Article AI Culture What AI needs to learn about dying and why it will save it Andrew Steane Those programming truthfulness can learn a lot from mortality. 5 min read Authored on 2024-03-14
Review Comment Culture 'Do you guys ever think about dying...?' - Barbie Pat Allerton Pat Allerton reflects on the Barbie movie, the societal questions that it answers and the existential question that it doesn't. 5 min read Authored on 2023-08-14
Explainer Comment Death & life What they don’t tell you about when someone you love dies Yvonne Tulloch Sharing her experience of her husband’s death, Yvonne Tulloch charts grief’s journey and shares signposts to help. Part of the How to Die Well series. 4 min read Authored on 2023-11-08
Article Creed Death & life Why we project ourselves on Lazarus Jamie Mulvaney Lean into the weird around the ‘unreveal'd’. 3 min read Authored on 2025-01-10
Article Creed Death & life Don’t die: the relentless pursuit of life Josh Richards If there was a way beyond death, shouldn't we give up everything to find it? 4 min read Authored on 2025-03-03
Article Comment Death & life There’s fear or fascination as cultures confront death Rahil Patel If Western society discussed death more openly, would Halloween’s appeal hold such sway? 4 min read Authored on 2024-10-29
Review Culture Film & TV Family dramas Yaroslav Walker It’s family ties that bind together a superhero story, a horror tale and a rom-com. Yaroslav Walker’s review sheds light on what these ties unexpectedly reflect, as he reviews Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania, Knock at the Cabin, and What’s Love Got to Do With It? 9 min read Authored on 2023-03-24
Article Ethics The expectations of an oath: lessons from Hippocrates M. Ciftci M. Çiftçi explores the evolution of a historic and contemporary commitment to protect the vulnerable. 4 min read Authored on 2024-01-18
Explainer Creed Easter Beyond immortality there’s restoration Barnabas Aspray The resurrection strikes at the heart of the cold reality of the human condition. 5 min read Authored on 2024-03-26
Article Atheism Belief Dawkins is wrong about the nature of belief Yaroslav Walker You can’t rejoice in its collapse and like its cultural inheritance too. 5 min read Authored on 2024-04-12
Review Ageing Assisted dying For love there is no charge Sian Brookes Out of mind old people are at the centre of Allelujah! Sian Brookes reviews the film adaptation of Alan Bennett’s play. 5 min read Authored on 2023-03-27
Explainer Creed Easter Identifying as human has deadly implications Barnabas Aspray The incarnation and an execution impacts humanity. 4 min read Authored on 2024-02-14
Review Culture Film & TV When horror is horrifyingly bad Yaroslav Walker A classic horror film’s sequel deeply disappoints priest Yaroslav Walker, missing opportunities to address psychological and spiritual power. 5 min read Authored on 2023-10-31
Article Belief Creed 2024 - the year Christianity bounced back? Graham Tomlin From the opinion sites to the churchyard, we’re seeking a better way to live. 6 min read Authored on 2024-12-19
Article Belief Creed The myth of secular neutrality Alex Stewart Where academia went wrong. 7 min read Authored on 2025-01-24
Article Comment Mental Health Auden and our anxious age Jack Nicholson While the tropes of trauma are still with us, how to not die in our dread? 4 min read Authored on 2024-10-15
Article Advent Awe and wonder Why does snowfall still awe us? Josh Richards We long for snow this time of year because longing is all there is to do. 4 min read Authored on 2024-11-22
Article Comment Development Downsizing in DC undercuts the lives of millions in Nigeria Chris Wadibia Nigeria’s Christian communities will bear the brunt of USAID’s demise. 4 min read Authored on 2025-02-25
Podcast Culture Death & life New episode: Seen & Unseen Aloud Nick Jones Listen to a curated selection of the editor's top picks: the art of dying, the end of killing and the search for Martin Luther King. 1 min read Authored on 2023-11-06
Article Change Death & life How to face the space of death Natalie Garrett Losing family and friends across a life, leads Natalie Garrett to navigate the space of death we all face. Part of the How to Die Well series. 7 min read Authored on 2023-10-27
Article Ageing Care Delicate, fragile, frail: how we cope when we age Helen Cowan The insights and analogies that help. 5 min read Authored on 2025-01-31
Review Belief Creed Did Nick Cave’s tour just take thousands to church? Belle Tindall He’s picking holes in the idea that religion is where freedom goes to die. 5 min read Authored on 2024-11-18
Explainer Christmas culture Creed The earth-shaking consequences of Christmas Barnabas Aspray Imagine Tolkien being born as a hobbit in the Shire, or J.K. Rowling going to school at Hogwarts. Explore the notion of the author entering his or her own creation. 3 min read Authored on 2023-12-04
Column Culture Politics After Angela: why Christian Democracy still works George Pitcher Feeling somewhat labelled, George Pitcher unpacks why Christian Democracy still appeals to him, even in the UK, and explores its philosophical roots in the breathless thought of Jacques Maritain. 4 min read Authored on 2024-01-11
Article Christmas culture Culture This is love, actually Cameron Wiltshire-Plant Love is not always simply a joy, delight, and comfort. 4 min read Authored on 2024-12-21
Review Culture Music A day, night and dawn with Nick Cave’s lyrics Jonathan Evens Does Adam Steiner’s rappel into Cave’s art help us understand its purpose? 8 min read Authored on 2024-03-01
Interview Change Faith "Nobody is neutral": Kate Forbes on her Christian faith and political future Robert Wright Politician Kate Forbes knows how it feels when public life misunderstands a faith-led life. Robert Wright interviews her as she reflects on that experience and what next. 6 min read Authored on 2023-06-22
Explainer Change Death & life Dealing with death – why the fuss? Jane Cacouris “No fuss” cremations are getting more popular. Not giving a formal space or process to say goodbye feels like a seismic cultural shift to Jane Cacouris. Part of the How To Die Well series. 6 min read Authored on 2023-10-25
Explainer Belief Christmas culture Christmas countdown day 20: the consequences Barnabas Aspray Explore the notion of the author entering their own creation. 1 min read Authored on 2024-12-20
Review Culture Film & TV Two terrible travelogues in search of their storylines Yaroslav Walker Yaroslav Walker would rather get to a monastery than recommend these threequels. 7 min read Authored on 2023-10-03
Review Christmas culture Culture Five Christmas films to revel in Yaroslav Walker Haunting, salving, teary, side-splitting and glorious - our recommended festive films. 5 min read Authored on 2023-12-20
Article Comment Conspiracy theory A Bayesian theory of death George Pitcher The sinking of the superyacht displays the probability, and banality, of death. 4 min read Authored on 2024-08-29
Podcast Culture Death & life Dame Sue Black: re-enchanting death Nick Jones The leading forensic scientist talks with Justin and Belle about her work and our reluctance to look death in the eye. 1 min read Authored on 2025-02-12
Article Character Comment Why the Prime Minister should swear this new oath Yaroslav Walker A proposed new constitutional instrument is a hopeful recognition of the human condition. 6 min read Authored on 2024-07-09
Explainer Creed Language The language of politics can’t domesticate religion Graham Tomlin Political life’s Left-Right structure fails when it tries to co-opt religious perspectives. Graham Tomlin outlines why it misses so much of what makes them interesting. 6 min read Authored on 2023-07-04
Article Care Change Are we forgetting how to care? Helen Cowan The profound act at the heart of nursing. 6 min read Authored on 2024-07-26
Article Comment Leading Canada’s long hot summer of decline Emerson Csorba Courage is needed when a country starts to fall apart. 9 min read Authored on 2024-08-19
Review Culture Easter Cinematic Passions Yaroslav Walker Gibson, Darbont, Pasolini, Eastwood and Scorsese all feature in priest Yaroslav Walker’s top five Good Friday movies. 6 min read Authored on 2023-03-30
Explainer Creed Football Thrill and trust in an unpredictable world Graham Tomlin When Saturday comes, Graham Tomlin is enthralled by sport's unpredictability. Yet in an uncontrollable world, he finds a need for trust. 7 min read Authored on 2023-08-19
Article Christmas culture Culture Band Aid: that song, that question Krish Kandiah What’s so funny about generosity, kindness and compassion? 6 min read Authored on 2024-12-19
Column Culture Depreciating human life: a year-end market report George Pitcher The cold currency of trading hostages repels George Pitcher, who explores the casual acceptance that some lives are biddable against lives of intrinsically higher value. 4 min read Authored on 2023-12-01
Podcast Culture Film & TV Re-enchanting... Disney at 100 Nick Jones 100-year-old Disney is in the ‘enchantment’ business. Esmé Partridge and Yaroslav Walker join Belle and Justin to discuss its cultural impact. Listen or watch now. 1 min read Authored on 2023-10-18
Article Ambition Creed Pride: self-obsessed isolation Jonathan Aitken In the sixth of a series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Jonathan Aitken identifies Pride as egotism with a capital E and the cause of his own royal flush of crises. 7 min read Authored on 2023-08-14
Column Culture Football Referees and stupidity Jonathan Rowlands What one referee’s foul-mouthed rant tells us about the nature of sport, and authority. 7 min read Authored on 2024-11-13
Explainer Culture Freedom On liberty’s limits: why Mill was wrong about freedom Graham Tomlin This month, it’s 150 years since philosopher JS Mill died. His definition of freedom remains hugely influential. But is it still the right one for healthy relationships and contentment amid the isolation of modern life? 6 min read Authored on 2023-05-20
Podcast Christmas culture Culture Christmas countdown day 10: sharing food Isaac Frisby A foodbank trolley signposts how to share joy. 1 min read Authored on 2024-12-10
Review AI Books Are we letting a monster or saviour into the classroom? Krish Kandiah Examining Sal Khan’s confidence in artificial intelligence. 5 min read Authored on 2024-09-11
Explainer Creed Death & life How Christianity transformed attitudes towards death Andrew Davison Once we buried bodies outside cities. Then we started burying loved ones inside them. This is why. 7 min read Authored on 2023-11-01
Review Culture Digital Local Hero’s 40-year-old lesson about relationships Yaroslav Walker As social media divides us and generates simulated experiences and friendships, it's a gorgeous and glorious antidote. 5 min read Authored on 2023-06-28
Review Culture Film & TV Meditating on violence Yaroslav Walker Violence is inherent to life - and a lot of movies. Yaroslav Walker asks if it has to be accepted, as he reviews Creed III, Scream VI and John Wick 4. 8 min read Authored on 2023-03-30